20+ Years Experience

Specialist IVA Companies

Best IVA Companies

Write Off Unaffordable Unsecured Debts

If you are looking to receive free, qualified advice to help you solve your debt problems for good, check out the best iva companies in the UK.

Here at Best IVA Companies, we review the UK’s top IVA companies, so you don’t have to. 

Our team of professionals handpicks elite companies that you can trust to help you through the IVA process. 

If you are struggling with personal debts and unsecured debts it is important to receive advice from debt help consultants.

Speaking to Individual Voluntary Arrangement companies with many years of experience can help you reclaim financial control.

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We can offer you all of the Best IVA Companies and are more than happy in assisting you with anything you need.

Debt solutions can be scary and confusing, so you need a company that you can rely on. Keep reading to find out which companies we recommend and to learn more information about entering into an IVA.

Table of Contents

Best IVA Companies October 2024

From our research here is a list of the best IVA companies in the UK:

*Our website information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or refraining from making) any decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.*

What is an IVA?

Individual Voluntary Arrangement is a formal agreement between creditors and debtors that is often compared to bankruptcy.

The agreement needs to be set by an insolvency practitioner, and it involves the signing of a legal contract that can’t be changed or ended easily.

You’ll be required to make monthly payments.

Working with a good individual voluntary arrangement company in October 2024 is essential in getting the best payment deal.

You can agree to affordable payments and reduce the burden by re-mortgaging your home if you have equity.

While IVA may seem like a great option for debt repayment, sometimes the terms may not be so ideal once you start making payments.

We offer a number of great IVA assistance services and are more than happy in assisting you with anything you require from assistance to providing a great company for IVA.

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Deciding Whether IVA Is an Ideal Option for You

An IVA contract in October 2024 usually binds for 5 years.

This means that anything can change, but the agreement will bind you, and you won’t be able to change the terms.

As such, it’s better to think of your future and the potential changes that could occur instead of focusing on the present only.

For instance, if you have an older child who is likely to leave home soon or if you’re thinking about retirement, you should let the changes take place before deciding to sign up for an individual voluntary arrangement.

Good IVA Companies will advise you accordingly to ensure that you make informed decisions that will benefit you immediately and in future.

Benefits of an IVA

There are many benefits of an IVA, these include:

If you are considering entering into an IVA, get in touch with us to find the best IVA company for you. 

Debt management solutions can be easy if you have the best iva company by your side.

Factors to Consider Before Signing up for an IVA

There are many factors to consider before committing to an IVA. Always get free debt advice from a professional debt advice service before starting any new debt solution.

Debt charities can provide qualified iva advice based upon your individual financial circumstances.

Keep reading to learn more about factors we feel are important to evaluate.


If you own a home with equity, IVA may be the best option for you. However, it would help if you waited until the last year of your contract before you take a second mortgage on your house.

Waiting will also increase the chances of the mortgage increasing, and that will help you get more money out of the house.

On the other hand, think about being able to pay the mortgage and the IVA at the same time, and whether you’ll be able to make both payments if the mortgage increases.

It would help if you also thought about your future living plans. Remember that if you have the IVA on your credit history, getting a new mortgage will be impossible.

Other Debt

Other debts will also affect your ability to keep up with IVA payments and should, therefore, be considered carefully.

If you file for bankruptcy, your other debts will be wiped out automatically.

However, with IVA, you need to list them down for them to be considered. If you don’t, then you’ll be stuck trying to pay them off at the same time you’re dealing with the IVA.

There is the possibility of adding your other debts later, but that is not a very convenient option.

IVA Company

IVA Companies you contact will also play a role in the decisions you make before signing the contract.

Best IVA Companies can help you by reviewing and creating a list of the best companies to consider working with. We do thorough background checks on the companies we give you because we don’t want you to be disappointed.

We also update our lists regularly to ensure that you get the best at any moment. We remain transparent and unbiased during our reviews, and we practice caution during the process because we know the level of commitment it requires to sign an IVA contract. Our team considers several features when reviewing the companies; we don’t just focus on a single aspect.

You should ask the IVA company you sign up with about supervision of the IVA. Some companies get you to sign the contract after which they hand you over to a different company to supervise the IVA. Companies that supervise the IVA in-house are better because they are easier to deal with, especially when problems arise.

If you would like to receive even more information on the Best IVA Companies, make sure you get in touch with us today!

Check Debt Solutions

How to Choose an IVA Firm

Best IVA Companies does all the hard work so you won’t have to. We look for the best companies and look into their backgrounds as well as their features before bringing them closer to you.

Our goal is to excel in service provision in this sector, and we can achieve that by being thorough. Even so, you still have to be careful about the company you choose. 

Check Failure Rate

While some have a failure rate of less than 15%, others have a rate of 30%. This is a huge gap that can affect you negatively. The failure rate of most companies is continuing to increase, and that means that you need to be more cautious with your selection criteria.

Our company tries to select IVA Companies with the best rates to make it easier for you to make a selection. We do our due diligence to reduce your workload, but you are still free to double-check the ratings of our IVA Companies.

Check Fee Payments

You should never ignore the fee payments taken by the IVA company as well. Even though you don’t pay them directly, some situations could force you to pay directly.

For instance, if you decide to sell your house to set off all the IVA payments, you will have to pay the company direct fees. The lower the fees, the better it will be for you.

Due Diligence

IVA Companies operate in different ways. Some may stick with you until the end, but others sell blocks of IVA to other companies. Make sure to do your due diligence and ask all the questions you have to ensure this is the best company for you. 

Ask the kind of operation they have because unplanned changes could end up inconveniencing you. Even though they’ll transfer all your details to the new company, starting over with a new company could be hectic.

Can I change my IVA company?

It is unusual, but not impossible, to change your IVA company mid-way through the process. 

You would essentially be requesting to switch your insolvency practitioner, which only tends to happen if your IP passes away, resigns, or loses their license. 

As it is difficult to change your IP once your IVA has begun, it is advisable to really make sure you are confident with your IVA company before committing. 

Is an IVA the Best Debt Solution?

IVA is a great option if you’re struggling with debt. Always think about your future before deciding to use it as an option.

The program offers flexibility that you can take advantage of to keep up with payments. Other options you could compare it with are bankruptcy and Debt relief order. Whatever option you choose, the responsible company will play a major role in your experience.

Make sure you discuss with a qualified debt advisor what might be the best debt solution for your unique circumstances, as they will be able to give your professional advise.

Best IVA Companies is here to ensure you get the best IVA services through the best IVA companies. If your business is providing IVA services, our team will review your services and help you get new clients.

If you’re looking for the best IVA services, our company will make sure you get them. We want to bring service providers and those who are seeking those services together to ensure that everyone benefits. Feel free to contact us if you need IVA services or any other kind of assistance with regard to IVA.

At Best IVA Companies, we can assist you with the best choices for you by providing amazing companies specifically for your situation. Make sure you contact us today for a number of great IVA services.

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Make sure you contact us today for a number of great IVA Companies services.

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